Ramsey Office 01487 812170
Email ramsey@srhowell.co.uk
Head Office: 88, High St, Ramsey, Huntingdon, Cambs PE26 1BS

Call us now to book a free no obligation
appointment at your premises with one of our senior partners.
We will strive to save you money..

Against the ropes...?
Conflicts with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) create difficult and stressful times for any sized business.
We specialise in resolving any HMR&C investigation or disclosure in the most efficient, cost effective and timely manner possible.
Fighting your corner...
S R Howell & Co will;
Be non- judgemental;
Rigorously defend your position within the scope and parameters of the law;
Take control of the investigation;
Focus on working towards the most cost effective and efficient way to achieve the closure of the tax investigation.
We encourage you to concentrate on your business and leave dealing with HMR&C to us.
We pride ourselves on caring vehemently about our clients and that they are treated justly and fairly within the scope of the law.
FREE Confidential Consultation.
We also offer an annual Tax Investigation Service to protect you
from the cost of future investigations.