Ramsey Office 01487 812170
Email ramsey@srhowell.co.uk
Head Office: 88, High St, Ramsey, Huntingdon, Cambs PE26 1BS

Call us now to book a free no obligation
appointment at your premises with one of our senior partners.
We will strive to save you money..

Bank not supporting you?
Entrepreneurs and business`s face many challenges, not least: starting a business, then expansion whether by organic growth, funded growth or perhaps an acquisition.
Business lending is at an all time low. We can help you obtain the finance you need from many different new sources.
Rethinking finance...
Our business in acquiring business finance has gained lending on a diverse range of projects across numerous sectors and we enjoy excellent working relationships with financial institutions and other professionals. We provide strategic advice on achieving your goals and help at a transactional level by structuring deals to fit in with your objectives
Our expertise in business finance includes:
Obtaining start-up finance
Due diligence and valuations
Raising money for expansion
Supporting your finance applications
Prepare the business plan for you
FREE Initial Finance Review.
To assist you in structuring your lending application...